WorkPackage 8. Perform MSE for 6 high profile stocks:

8.1  Mackerel  (Thomas Brunell)

8.2  Blue whiting  (David Miller)

8.3  NSSP herring (Teunis Jansen)

8.4  North Sea cod  (Alexander Kempf )

8.5  North Sea plaice (Jan Jaap Poos)

8.6  Baltic sprat (Jan Horbowy)


We will hire the lead scientist and modeler for each of the stock to co-operate with us when doing the MSEs. In that way we hope that they will take ownership to the approach and that it will make it easier to build on our work in the future development of these by ICES scientists and others.  


This work will be based on what ICES hitherto have done of MSEs for these stocks and supplemented by density dependent modules for growth, maturity and cannibalism, as well as on the new opportunity made possible by the current project, namely to base it on new models and software on Surplus Production Model MSEs.


The MSE’s will live up to or be above the scientific quality demanded by ICES and the expectations is that it will be the basis for future ICES advice on specific requests from managers on management plan evaluations for these 6 stocks and be role models for similar analyses for other stocks.